Special Course on MS Excel Tools & Function, Tips & Tricks, Exam Preparation
Special Course on MS Excel Tools & Function, Tips & Tricks, Exam Preparation 10 Courses Only 2000 BDT 1.Preparation of Verbal Interview on Excel 2.Business Intelligence with Excel 3.Various Use …
Special Course on MS Excel Tools & Function, Tips & Tricks, Exam Preparation 10 Courses Only 2000 BDT
1.Preparation of Verbal Interview on Excel
2.Business Intelligence with Excel
3.Various Use of IF Function
4.Professional Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts
5.Bring More Power to Excel with M Code
6.Preparation of Written Test on Excel
7.Advance Excel Tips & Tricks
8.Conditional Formatting in Depth
9.Advance Use of XLOOKUP & VLOOKUP
10.Prepare for MOS Associate Excel Exam
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